
M10U1A1 - Identifying a Research Question

Identifying a Research Question Statement of Question or Problem When we mention English language teaching (ELT) in China, it should be dated back to Qing dynasty. In 1903, the Qing government formally implemented the “Statutes of the Imperial Academy”, which stipulated that English classes in elementary, middle and secondary schools throughout the country. This movement meant the Qing government opened the door to the world. For a time, the tendency of translating Western languages and learning from the West has become commonplace. Till PRC was established, English language test became a core test in Gaokao, which is college entrance test in China. By reviewing history we know that English class plays an important role in Chinese education system. Chinese parents hold high expectations for their children in English language learning. Nowadays,  with the rapid economic development in China, in order to enhance students’ English competency, besides class time, most parents spend

M9U4A3 Reflection

M9U4A3 Reflection What did impact my learning the most in this module? The most impact my learning thing in this module is choosing on-level texts for reading. It makes me deeply understand the importance of choosing quality texts. I want to use my spare time to write some leveling fiction or nonfiction Chinese books for students. Share new insights about literacy learning I have. 1.       Implementing the balanced literacy program in my class. 2.       Monitoring comprehension: It is not only teachers’ job, but also students need to monitor comprehension by themselves, so I must teach students to be aware of what they do understand, and identify what they do not understand. Students also need to be taught how to use appropriate fix-up strategies when their comprehension breaks down. 3.       Using mental imagery/visualization: Mental images or pictures help students to understand and remember what they have read. 4.       Students’ comprehension improves through the

M9U3A1 - The Writing Process

The Writing Process The importance of writing well Writing helps we think better. Writing allows us a way to collect our thoughts and ideas. It opens up a new dimension for the mind to move into, and creates space for expression and imagination. People who are good at writing their language are generally creative people with good ideas; they convey thoughts in the writing form. It is a pivotal form of communication in our lives. In order to form trusting relationships, people must effectively and efficiently convey meaningful information to each other. Communication is one of the most crucial methods to build the trusting relationships in the world. Because words give the world and life and everything in it meaning, so writing uses words to establish a good communication among people. Most jobs require writing well. Writing is something most professionals are required to do, whether they are employed in white- or blue-collar jobs. In fact, because so many organizatio
M9U1A2 Whole Language Learning Theory My Current Classroom Context I am currently teaching the Chinese language in an international school (QSI). My students with different readiness levels in the Chinese language are from k1- 12 grades. Importance of Whole Language Learning Theory Whole language learning is an approach to learning that sees language as a whole entity, and writing, speaking, reading, and listening should be integrated when learned. In whole language learning, learning is built upon the real experiences and background knowledge of the learner. Since whole language learning integrates literacy within all parts of the curriculum (including science, math and social studies), I will list the importance below. 1.       Whole language learning views language as a whole. Based on it, the target language should be taught as such. The benefits of it are learners can both appreciate and comprehend the target language fully. 2.       Whole language learning e

M9 U1 A3 - A Balanced Literacy Program, Strategic Instruction, and Best Practices

M9 U1 A3 - A Balanced Literacy Program, Strategic Instruction, and Best Practices Philosophy of Reading and Writing Instruction According to Dianne Nettles in Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today’s Classroom: The Whole, the Parts, and the Heart (Pearson, 2006), literacy instruction needs to include the “whole,” the “parts” and the “heart.” I will specify what I understand the quotation below. The whole “The whole” means   understanding reading and writing cannot be separated;   writing as a reciprocal process to reading. As a language teacher, we should allow students to read authentic texts for pleasure and often and to use such texts as touchstone texts for writing. “The whole” demonstrates that reading and writing are the whole as social activities. “The whole” also means “all content areas teachers are responsible for the State standards of their discipline, they share responsibility for discipline-specific literacy skills as well, and should be incorpora

M6 U4 A3 - Teacher Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation #1: QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation System I teach in QSI, which applies an effective and systemic teacher evaluation system. I specific describe the system as below. 1. Purpose of QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation ➢  Improve the quality of instruction by ensuring accountability for classroom performance and teacher effectiveness. ➢  Optimize student learning and growth. ➢  Contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of each QSI School. ➢  Provide a basis for instructional improvement through productive teacher performance appraisal and professional growth. ➢  Implement a performance evaluation system that promotes collaboration between the teacher and supervisor and promotes self-growth, instructional effectiveness, and improvement of overall job performance.   2. The Performance Standards are Used in the Performance Evaluation System. There are five performance standards, wh