M6 U4 A3 - Teacher Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation

#1: QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation System
I teach in QSI, which applies an effective and systemic teacher evaluation system. I specific describe the system as below.
1. Purpose of QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation
➢ Improve the quality of instruction by ensuring accountability for classroom performance and teacher effectiveness.
➢ Optimize student learning and growth.
➢ Contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of each QSI School.
➢ Provide a basis for instructional improvement through productive teacher performance appraisal and professional growth.
➢ Implement a performance evaluation system that promotes collaboration between the teacher and supervisor and promotes self-growth, instructional effectiveness, and improvement of overall job performance. 
2. The Performance Standards are Used in the Performance Evaluation System.
There are five performance standards, which refer to the major duties performed.
➢ Performance Standard 1: Demonstrates Proficiency in Planning and Preparing for Instruction. The teacher plans using the QSI curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data to meet the needs of all students.
➢ Performance Standard 2: Uses Strategies to Deliver Instruction That Meet the Multiple Learning Needs of Students. The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
➢ Performance Standard 3: Uses a Variety of Methods to Assess Student Learning. The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses data to measure student progress, guide instruction, and provide timely feedback.
➢ Performance Standard 4: Demonstrates Proficiency in Classroom Management. The teacher uses resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student centered environment that is conducive to learning.
➢ Performance Standard 5: Engages in Professional Growth and Fulfills Professional Responsibilities. The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics, international mindedness, the QSI Mission, and takes responsibility for and participates in professional growth that results in enhancement of student learning. 
3. Observations
Teachers are observed. Observations focus directly on all five-performance standards. Observations may be conducted in either instructional or  non-instructional settings. Observations may be announced or unannounced visits.
➢ Announced Observation Procedures
Announced observations will occur at least once per year for teachers new to any QSI school, for the first two years, and every other year for teachers with more than 2 years experience at the same QSI school. They will consist of a pre-conference, the observation, and a post-conference.
Pre-conferences will occur no more than 5 days prior to the observation and can be done face to face meeting. At this time, the teacher and
 supervisor will address the objectives of the lesson, the instructional            strategies being used, and the area of focus for the supervisor.
The observation will be a minimum of 30 consecutive minutes. Where appropriate, the observation could last longer. The observation should cover an appropriate sample of the teacher’s work.
Post-conferences will occur within 5 workdays o f the observation and should be face- t o - face using the Announced Observation Form
➢ Unannounced Observation Procedures
Unannounced observations will occur at least twice per year for new teachers, for the first two years, and at least once per year for teachers with more than 2 years experience at the school. They will involve the supervisor observing a class without giving the teacher previous notice that they will be observed.
In this case, no pre conference is necessary.
Unannounced observations will be at least 5 minutes long, but may be longer at the supervisor’s discretion. Teachers will be given feedback via face- to-fac e using the Unannounced Observation Form.
➢ Documentation of Observations
Supervisors use observations as one source of information to determine whether a teacher is meeting the performance standards. The Supervisor provides feedback about the observation, using the Announced Observation Form, or the Unannounced Observation Form.
After each observation one copy of the observation form will be given to the teacher and one copy will be maintained by the supervisor for the entire evaluation cycle to document growth and development. 
4. Teacher Documentation Folder
The Documentation Folder includes specific required artifacts that provide evidence of meeting selected performance standards.
There are three items required in the Teacher Documentation Folder (Cover Sheet, Student Progress Goal Setting From, and Professional Development Log), however, other documents may be included, such as: Communication Log, Record of Extra-Curriculum Activities, Evidence of Assessment
for Learning, and other documents related to the QSI Professional Performance for Growth Standards. Specifically, the Teacher
Documentation Folder provides the teacher with an opportunity for self-reflection, demonstration of quality work, and a basis for two-way communication with a supervisor. The emphasis is on the quality of work, not the quantity of materials presented. 
5. Student Surveys
Teachers are required to survey their students and share a summary. The purpose of the student survey is to collect information that will help teachers reflect on their practice. The questions in this survey will provide information that may not be accurately obtained in observations.

#2 Danielson’s Framework
1. The Purpose of Danielson’s Framework
Danielson’s framework for teaching identifies aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities that empirical studies have demonstrated as promoting improved student learning.Because teaching is an extremely complex activity, this framework is useful in laying out the various areas of competence in which professional teachers need to develop expertise.
2. Four domains and all 22 components of the framework will be used for supporting and evaluating teacher practice.
➢ Planning and preparation.
➢ The classroom environment.
➢ Instruction.
➢ Professional responsibilities.

3. The benefits of Danielson framework.
➢ It offers the profession of teaching a shard vocabulary as a way to communicate about excellence.
➢ For novice teachers, a framework provides a pathway to excellence by laying out the twenty-two important components that constitute professional practice.
➢ It is for teaching provides a structure for discussions among teachers and also serves to sharpen the focus for professional development.
➢ It serves to communicate to the larger community the array of competencies needed to be an effective teacher.

In my opinion, no evaluation can be perfect. Good evaluations help teachers of all skill levels understand how they can improve. Above two evaluation systems are both effective. According to my own experience, teacher evaluation is necessary and the QSI evaluation system helps me a lot in improving teaching practice.

1. AFP. "Teacher Development and Evaluation". Retrieved from
      2. The Danielson Group, "The Framework". Retrieved from


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