M9U1A2 Whole Language Learning Theory

My Current Classroom Context
I am currently teaching the Chinese language in an international school (QSI). My students with different readiness levels in the Chinese language are from k1- 12 grades.
Importance of Whole Language Learning Theory
Whole language learning is an approach to learning that sees language as a whole
entity, and writing, speaking, reading, and listening should be integrated when learned.
In whole language learning, learning is built upon the real experiences and background knowledge of the learner. Since whole language learning integrates literacy within all parts of the curriculum (including science, math and social studies), I will list the importance below.
1.      Whole language learning views language as a whole. Based on it, the target language should be taught as such. The benefits of it are learners can both appreciate and comprehend the target language fully.
2.      Whole language learning encourages students to use reading and writing for everyday purposes, such as making a list or leaving a note, rather than just to decode words and text.
3.      Whole language learning enables teachers to give students exposure to the target language as long as possible, so that they may able to become literate.
4.      Whole language learning is student-centered. Teachers are facilitators and guides.
5.      Whole language learning bridges the gap between language learning and authentic world.
Reflection on Language Learning
Below I will reflect on my language learning.
1.  Chinese language learning
The Chinese language is my first language. My majors both in undergraduate and postgraduate are Chinese language and literature. Today all these achievements are attributed to my elementary Chinese language art teacher. Because of her whole language learning philosophy, I benefit from it a lot. For example, every day we had at least 20 minutes reading time. Based on our readiness, she prepared different reading materials for everyone, after reading, we needed to summarize the content which we had read, and then share with peers. According to what we read, we also needed to write down our opinions.
2. English language learning
The English language is my second language. When I was a student,  I didn’t exposure to English language environment. especially when I was a basal learner, lack of English fiction or non-fiction books limited development of my L2 competence.  Since I worked in an international school, I am immersed in an English environment, my English has been improved a lot. In a nutshell, language learners may take advantage of whole language learning to enhance their language competences.
Teaching Methods or Classroom Environment
1.  Classroom environment
Physical environment
The physical environment should have an abundance of print with which learners can interact. A classroom library stocked with diverse genres at a variety of difficulty levels is critical.
Word walls, posters, journals, written directions, class newsletters, labels and displays of student work provide additional reading materials. Teacher creativity leads to unlimited opportunities to get students reading.
Seating arrangements impact opportunities for students to respond to each other. In my classroom students sit in groups at tables and work at stations which lend themselves to many interactions.
Other aspects of the classroom environment
Whole language learning includes learners of varying ability, cultures, levels, and learning styles. Whole language learning classroom must be student-directed, collaborative, authentic. It’s important to have students experience their needs, interests, and aspirations in whole language learning classroom. Whole language learning focuses on experiences and activities that are relevant to students’ lives and needs so that the classroom environment emerges students in the target language.
 2. Teaching methods
The following teaching methods may promote whole language learning.
The Language Experience Approach (LEA) involves students engaging in a real-life experience and responding to it through writing and reading.
Task-based learning.
Project-based learning.
Game-based learning.
[1] Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence Professional Paper. Conditions for Learning. Retrieved from
[2] Ken Goodman, What’s Whole in Whole Language. Retrieved from
[3] Wagner, Betty Jane,12.1989, Whole Language: Integrating the Language Arts--and Much More. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from
[4] Amanda Morin,April 20, 2018.Whole Language Approach to Reading. Retrieved from


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