M9U4A3 Reflection

M9U4A3 Reflection

What did impact my learning the most in this module?
The most impact my learning thing in this module is choosing on-level texts for reading. It makes me deeply understand the importance of choosing quality texts. I want to use my spare time to write some leveling fiction or nonfiction Chinese books for students.
Share new insights about literacy learning I have.
1.      Implementing the balanced literacy program in my class.
2.      Monitoring comprehension: It is not only teachers’ job, but also students need to monitor comprehension by themselves, so I must teach students to be aware of what they do understand, and identify what they do not understand. Students also need to be taught how to use appropriate fix-up strategies when their comprehension breaks down.
3.      Using mental imagery/visualization: Mental images or pictures help students to understand and remember what they have read.
4.      Students’ comprehension improves through the use of graphics and semantic organizers.
5.      Making use of prior knowledge/predicting: Using strategies to activate students’ prior knowledge will support effective prediction and comprehension.
6.      Generating questions: Effective readers are always asking themselves questions. Students must be taught how to ask questions about the text and they must also be given practice in asking questions.
7.      Answering questions: Students’ learning from reading is strongly supported and advanced by teachers questioning students and teaching them how to answer questions.
8.      Using text structure: Comprehension also improves when students are taught to recognize and use story structure. I should teach students to identify the text structure.
9.      Writing workshop: This is a really effective strategy to engage students in writing. A writing workshop is a group of students who work together to develop their skills and identity as writers.
10.  Whole-class instructions are necessary while teachers model the writing.
11.  Using 6+1 traits of writing as rubrics to evaluate students’ writing outcomes.
Share ways I will change my teaching methods and/or curriculum as a result of this course.
After learning this module, I realize that some areas and methods in my teaching need to be changed.
1.      In literacy lessons, I should recognize students for their individual academic progress by emphasizing how each student has improved over time, rather than compared with the performance of other students.
2.      Students need to hear books read aloud. During reading aloud stage, I need change method, I will explain to students, if they are confused while I am reading, please speak out: “I don’t understand this, I think I will reread it later to see if I can make it make sense!”
3.      It is important that reading aloud at the students’ reading level. 
4.      Shared reading is necessary. Because of limited class time, I didn’t use it. After learning in this module, I realize it will reinforce students I will use it
5.      I need to use Think Aloud strategy during reading aloud or shared reading or guided reading.
6.      I will use Rereading texts strategy which I never used it. Rereading leads to greater fluency and improved comprehension.
7.      I used Paired reading but only by the oral reading method. I will use Silent reading in my future reading teaches. Because both of them are necessary.
8.      Independent reading: students need ‘just right ’ texts.
9.      Reading and writing must be connected. I often separate reading and writing, I will combine them in my future teaching.
10.  Group discussions and conversations help students to make personal connections.
11.  I used small group writing strategy a lot, but I only have students make decisions together. While students write the draft, their tasks are not very clear. In the future class, I will have one student write the first draft of it.-- Another student read it aloud. -- If time allows, they can do a second draft, they are editing together and proofreading together.
12.  Teachers’ model their writing is an important component in writing class. I am writing with students, sharing the problems encounter, but I don’t share how I try to solve some of those things. I only make students solve. After learning teacher model strategy, I realize sharing solutions by teachers are critical.
All in all, this module applies many effective methods to engage students in literacy learning. Those strategies are useful; I plan to use them in Chinese language class.


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