M9U3A1 - The Writing Process

The Writing Process

The importance of writing well
Writing helps we think better.
Writing allows us a way to collect our thoughts and ideas. It opens up a new dimension for the mind to move into, and creates space for expression and imagination. People who are good at writing their language are generally creative people with good ideas; they convey thoughts in the writing form.
It is a pivotal form of communication in our lives.
In order to form trusting relationships, people must effectively and efficiently convey meaningful information to each other. Communication is one of the most crucial methods to build the trusting relationships in the world. Because words give the world and life and everything in it meaning, so writing uses words to establish a good communication among people.
Most jobs require writing well.
Writing is something most professionals are required to do, whether they are employed in white- or blue-collar jobs. In fact, because so many organizations require their employees to at least be somewhat competent in writing, quite a few people are hired simply because their skill for writing is better than that of another applicant.
Writing utilizes one’s intelligence, education, and critical-thinking skills.
Writing well is not an easy thing to do. Not only does good writing result from the painstaking process of being a sort of expert in using one’s language, but it comes after overtime practicing the skill of writing, too. Writing is the result of reading, comprehending and contemplating information, and it combines one’s own intelligence and capacity for retaining information in order for them to communicate at the most effective level possible.
Those who write well are, in many ways, highly skilled individuals in their language. Writing is an extension of one’s speech, an ally of communication, one that indicates one’s intelligence, their level of education, among other things; it utilizes one’s ability to consider and dissect relevant information for a purpose, and writing also makes uses of one’s critical-thinking skills. Critical thinking is the ability to actively and skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.
A classroom environment is conducive to writing
1.      Physical environment
In order to engage students in writing, we need to create a literacy environment that supports students’ independence, problem-solving, and collaboration:
Create quiet, organized, and inviting spaces - Make sure we have a place for the whole class to gather for the mini-lesson and share, spaces to meet in small groups, and spaces for students to work independently and with partners. Make sure students and teachers can access materials they need.
Utensils and supplies - Have a variety of writing utensils and supplies available to students.
2.      Writing culture environment
It is important to establish a supportive community to lend ideas and celebrate successes. In the Chinese class, I apply writing workshop, which supports students by explicitly teaching the skills of working independently and together. We have consistent and predictable procedures for each part of the Writing Workshop: mini-lesson, small group time, and share time.
All in all, classroom culture and literacy environment can help develop capable, joyful, and motivated writers. As a teacher, I should try my best to design and organize my classroom environment to help students get their work done.
My current method of teaching writing
My current method of teaching writing is similar to the writing workshop, but it is still cannot be called writing workshop. I will specify as below.
The steps of teaching writing in Chinese language class
1.      Mini-lesson
To review the target vocabulary, which may be used in students’ writing?
To review the grammars which students may use.
To read and analyze the sample text.
To use ask and answer or other strategies to model students how to complete the target writing.
2. Small group discussion
I will split students into the small group. During this stage, students need to discuss and work together to further discuss their writing.  
3. Individual writing
After the small group discussion, students need to write the essay or writing piece by themselves.
4. Share your writing
After students complete their writing, we will find a time to share their works. They need to read aloud in the whole class. Their peers can ask questions and comment on their writing. I will use the rubric to value students’ writing.
The type(s) of writing I could add to my current curriculum 
In Chinese class, we often write descriptive paragraphs, narrative paragraphs, response paragraphs, expository paragraphs. Persuasive paragraphs are seldom to be written. In order to improve students’ writing skills, I will have them write persuasive paragraphs more often. Writing add-on stories, creating a play, and writing poems are also necessary for the curriculum.
The aspect of the writing process I could use in my classroom setting
The writing process could be used in the Chinese lesson are listed as below.
1.      Mini Lesson - classroom conversation/ whole class instruction
2.      Prewriting - small group learning/pair work. The discussion is necessary during this process.
3.      Writing - small group writing/individual writing.
4.      Feedback - I will give feedback to students’ drafts.
5.      Revising and Editing- I assign students to small groups, they need to share and discuss their drafts. Based on it, students will revise and edit their writing.
6.      Publishing - In our school, we have Moodle, students could post their writings on the Moodle page. Then they need to review their peers’ work and comment on it.
My response to the articles, podcasts, and videos with my thoughts and questions
1.      Small Group Writing - Persuasive Writing, 9-12- video
I completely agree with the opinion of the video. Small group writing is a pivotal process in the writing class. It is essential that students need to make decisions together.  The whole things is the discussion that students have about what they are going to say and how they going to say it.
2.      Understanding the Essential Characters - Article
Chapter 1 compare and contrast the writing process and  the writing workshop. It deepens readers’ understanding.
3.      Writing Workshop in the Secondary Classroom
This is a slide presentation, which details the writing workshop. It deepens my understanding of writing workshop.
4.      A Community of Writers - Podcast
This is a podcast. In a writing program, the very first thing we need to do is communication with writers. To respect each other, and to trust each other. You can share what you really think; what you really believe; what you really feel. Real writing for real reasons for real audiences. It is essential in a writing classroom.
5.      Why it is important - Podcast
This is another podcast. Teachers’ model their writing is an important component in writing class. Teacher writing with students, sharing the problems encounter, and how I trying to solve some of those things.
6.      Teaching the Writing Craft - video
This video used three teachers’ lessons to demonstrate how pivotal whole class lesson was. The most important characteristics are listed as below.
To require students think about writing. To analyze what works. To learn from responses from peers’ work is the aim of publishing the writing.
[1] Tomas Laurinavicius, 2017. Reasons Why Writing Remains a Critical Skill for Success. Retrieved from


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