m4 u1 a3 - Yanan Hu

Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate

“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Anna Quindlen, 2002.

Establish positive relationships with students, especially with students, who have challenging behaviors.
The climate of classroom relates to how to build positive relationships with students. Teachers build positive relationships with students by the ways they interact with students and by the interaction they encourage and cultivate among students. Here are some my viewpoints about how to build positive relationships with students.
Ø  To treat students with respect will prompt them to appreciate and like you. In a respectful environment, all students feel valued and safe. In Chinese class I show my respect to all students, and I am sure they can feel it.
Ø  Set clear expectations and practicing class procedures. (Derrick Meador. 2017)Expectations exert a huge impact on student academic performance. At the first days of school, I will let students know what I expect from them, and make them familiar with class procedures.
Ø  Be a caring teacher. When students feel their teacher is a caring person, then the classroom becomes a happier place for everyone. A less stressful classroom will boost creative ideas to emerge.
Ø  Students will respond positively when a teacher is enthusiastic and passionate about the content they are teaching. As soon as the class starts, I will put 100 percent passion in teaching.
Ø  Make Learning Fun. Teaching and learning should not be boring. In Chinese class, students learn by playing games. To integrate PBL, GBL, MBL in my class engage students in learning. Every Friday story telling keeps students interested in learning. It is also critical that share an appropriate joke related to the content you will be teaching that day.
Ø  Get to know my students as individuals. Talk to students and listen to what's on their minds, and find out their interests. Use these interests and passions to their advantage by incorporating them into Chinese language lessons. By collecting information of my students, for example what is your color (food, animal, sport etc.)? All these useful information can motivate students to learn.
Ø  Treat each student the same. I can’t play favorites. I must call on all students equitably. It is critical to deal with problems individually, in a respectful, yet direct and authoritative manner.
Ø  Smile conveys positive attitude. Keep smiling. No matter what happen, I smile to my students. I believe that smiling can let students feel peace and happy.   
Ø  Develop positive classroom pride. I use panda stickers as reward for good behavior in class. All my students take it as a pride. Positive classroom pride accelerates students’ achievements. (M.Boynton&Christine Boynton.Nov. 2005)
Ø  Display student work. I post students’ work on bulletin board. It is a good way to let them know that I value the work they do and that I take pride in their work products.
Ø  Open to receiving feedback, this can bring about a better level of mutual respect. I use survey to collect students’ feedback.
Bullying is harmful; it will destroy positive climate of school. In order to establish a caring, inclusive, and respectful climate, here are some strategies for decreasing bullying behavior.

1. Strategies for stopping the bully
Ø  Keep calm down. Don’t let students’ bullying behaviors surprise you.
Ø  Make sure the bullying student apologizes for the disruption.
Ø  Let the bullying student knows what his behavior did to the rest of the class.
Ø  Redirection is often more effective than punishment for very young students.
Ø  It is important to develop students’ empathy- Role- play bullying situations with students. Then ask them how they feel if someone did that to you?
Ø  Communicate with bullying student’s parents, ask parents to let you know of any family reasons that might be causing the bullying behavior.
Ø  Communicate with the bullying student; try to figure out what is bothering him or her.
Ø  If the bully is acting out in class, diffuse the situation as soon as possible.
Ø  Give a bully a special responsibility that doesn’t involve classmates. It is a good way to connect teacher and bully. (K. Gunzenhauser, D. W. Kitzmann, 2012)
Ø  Encourage students report bullying.

2. Help the student who is the frequent target of bullying. (K. Gunzenhauser, D. W. Kitzmann, 2012)
Ø  Create a differentiated and positive environment in the classroom. Let students be familiar with their classmates and also know the differences between each other.
Ø  Find out students who are likely bullying targets as early as possible.
Ø  Encourage students who is or likely bullying targets communicate with you. It should be individual and private.
Ø  Deepen the students’ friendship by group work or group activity. Make sure that each student has to contribute to the assigned work equally.
Ø  Release students from the competition in learning. Instead, do more teamwork.

Cultural difference
A positive classroom climate dignifies the differences that students’ bring with them. We should value the diversity of students, which means value the rich cultural, ethnic, and linguistic variety that our students bring with to the school. (W.Powell, O.Kusuma-Powell, 2012). Each student, as an individual, has difference. Teachers need to understand, respect and utilize these differences.

1. Students consistently report that one of the characteristics they most value in their teachers is that of respecting them and their lives outside school. (Charlotte Danielson, 2007).Because ways of showing respect in one culture may be offensive in another, so it is necessary and urgent for teachers to develop intercultural communicational skills. We should open our hearts and learn. We learn to respect the wide variety of backgrounds represented by their students; we learn to see the world from our students’ perspectives. Students with different cultural context should be valued.
In Chinese class, students come from different countries. It is always better that to get to know students’ different cultural background before the new school year start. It will be benefit for creating an inclusive and caring learning environment
2. It is important to develop a broad understanding of socio-cultural contexts of your students. Students and parents appreciate it when teachers have taken the time to get to know something about their cultural backgrounds.
Take my Chinese language class as an example. In order to facilitate students further know and understand each other, when we learn nationality, I will give brief information of students’ countries. It is an effective way to utilize slides to present the name of students’ countries in Chinese characters, and show them pictures of flags and the most famous animals in their countries. At the end let them say “Hello” in Chinese, and then say it in their mother languages. Students love to share and learn from classmates. Throughout the whole process, not only can students read and write their countries’ names, but also prompt to build classroom climate with harmony.
3. Students’ cultural backgrounds influence their thinking. Languages convey thinking. The students with different cultural context in Chinese class indicate that their cultural background will influence their gaining Chinese language. So creating caring climates also request teachers become familiar with the types of errors made by specific language groups. Quite often, we will find that some typical linguistic errors are made due to interference from native languages or cultures. For example, English native speakers often say “I met with you yesterday.” When they learn Chinese language, they shift their mother language into Chinese language negatively, they say it in Chinese “我明天见面你。” The expression is incorrect.
Above all, the prerequisite of creating caring, respectful climate is to get to know students cultural background, recognize the difference, and make differentiated classroom.

How important to create a caring and concern climate.
Teaching depends on the quality of relationships among individuals, so it is critical to create a climate of respect, and rapport.
1. Students aspect
Students have feelings and aspirations, hopes and fears- and those deserve careful attention. They can’t concentrate on the academic content if they do not feel comfortable in the classroom.
Researchers have found that a positive school climate can help solve a lot of problems. Studies find that it decreases absenteeism, suspensions, substance abuse, and bullying, and increases students’ academic achievement, motivation to learn, and psychological well-being. It can even mitigate the negative effects of self-criticism and socioeconomic status on academic success. (Vicki Zakrzewski, 2013)
2. Teachers aspect
To work in a caring and concern climate, teachers will be more effective.

All in all, the classroom environment is a critical aspect of a teacher’s skill in promoting learning. It exerts deep impact on students’ academic achievements. Let’s work together to create a caring and concern classroom climate.

1. Derrick Meador. (May, 2017). “Strategies for teachers to develop positive relationships with students”. Retrieved from
2. Mark Boynton & Christine Boynton.(Nov. 2005). "Educator's Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems". Retrieved from
3. Dave Foley, “5 Tips for Better Relationships With Your Students”. Retrieved from
4. K. Gunzenhauser, D. W. Kitzmann, 2012, “Teaching Tips for Challenging Behaviors”.  Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC.
5. W. Powell, O. Kusuma-Powell. 2012 “Making the Difference: Differentiation in International Schools”. William Powell & Ochan Kusuma-Powell.
6. Charlotte Danielson. 2007. “Enhancing professional practice”. ASCD.
7. Vicki Zakrzewski. August, 2013. "How to Create a Positive School Climate". Retrieved from


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