
Showing posts from September, 2017

m4 u1 a3 - Yanan Hu

Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate “People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Anna Quindlen, 2002. Establish positive relationships with students, especially with students, who have challenging behaviors. The climate of classroom relates to how to build positive relationships with students. Teachers build positive relationships with students by the ways they interact with students and by the interaction they encourage and cultivate among students. Here are some my viewpoints about how to build positive relationships with students. Ø   To treat students with respect will prompt them to appreciate and like you. In a respectful environment, all students feel valued and safe. In Chinese class I show my respect to all students, and I am sure they can feel it. Ø   Set clear expectations and practicing class procedures. (Derrick Meador. 2017) Expectations exert a huge impact on student aca

M3 U5 A1 Mobile learning in Chinese language class

Mobile Learning in Chinese Language Class What is Mobile learning? Technology has already changed our life. Mobile devices are becoming a part of our life. In particular, younger generations are growing up using mobile devices to access the Internet and complete tasks as part of their school. Mobile learning (m-learning) is education via the Internet or network using personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smart phones to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social interactions and online educational hubs. m-Learning as one of the latest developments in e-learning, which takes advantages of mobile devices for learning on accessible portable platforms. Using a mobile device to deliver knowledge means students can access to education anywhere, anytime and at the time of need. [1] Examples of activities in Chinese language class Ø   #1 Activity – Super Speakers. In order to encourage students speak out more Chinese sentences, I design the super speaker act

m3 u5 a3 - Future Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Learning

References [1] Christiaan Henny, Things That Will Shape The Future Of Education: What Learning Will Look Like In 20 Years? , retrieved from . [2] Adam Shirley, Micheal Kooren, charts that explain the future of education, retrieved from . [3] Matt Britland, What is the future of technology in education? retrieved from . [4] Elizabeth Reede, Larissa Bailiff, When Virtual Reality Meets Education, retrieved from [5] IEEE Computer Society, 2016 Top Tech Trends, retrieved from [6] IEEE Computer Society, Predicts Top 9 Technology Trends for