M3 U5 A1 Mobile learning in Chinese language class

Mobile Learning in Chinese Language Class

What is Mobile learning?
Technology has already changed our life. Mobile devices are becoming a part of our life. In particular, younger generations are growing up using mobile devices to access the Internet and complete tasks as part of their school.
Mobile learning (m-learning) is education via the Internet or network using personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smart phones to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social interactions and online educational hubs. m-Learning as one of the latest developments in e-learning, which takes advantages of mobile devices for learning on accessible portable platforms.
Using a mobile device to deliver knowledge means students can access to education anywhere, anytime and at the time of need. [1]

Examples of activities in Chinese language class
Ø  #1 Activity – Super Speakers. In order to encourage students speak out more Chinese sentences, I design the super speaker activity. A head of the activity one week, I will give students speech topic, and let them prepare it in Chinese. During the class, we use mobile devices to record their speeches, then pair them into groups, they need listen to their partner’s speech, and translate it into English to others.
Ø  #2 Activity – I am a Hollywood star. In order to deepen students’ understanding of Chinese four characters idioms, I have prepared Chinese idiom scripts for students to perform. By using mobile devices to take videos of students’ act, it can enhance students’ learning interests.
Ø  #3 Activity – Message editor. Students edit the Chinese text messages according to the words I read. Throughout doing it, students are able to master Chinese Pinyin knowledge. It also prepares students to be familiar with the process of searching Chinese words dictionaries.
Ø  #4 Activity – Online quiz. There are many good online quiz applications. Take Kahoot, Jeopardy as examples. Some of my students have already taken the Kahoot quiz in the class, they reviewed what they learnt by playing, they learnt from their mistakes during they played it online.

Practice or guiding principles
In order to make better use of mobile technology in Chinese language class, here are some guiding principles to ensure the mobile learning will help students make achievement in their learning.
Ø  Does mLearning fit in the Chinese language class curriculum?
Curriculum covers core academic contents, and exerts deep influence in teaching and learning. If we want to integrate mobile technology into Chinese language classroom, mLearning should fit in the Chinese language curriculum.
Ø  Does mLearning aid students in reaching learning goals more effectively or distract students?
Before using mobile technology in Chinese language class, I should analyze whether the mobile learning can prompt students achieve their success or not. If mobile learning can deepen students’ understanding of knowledge, engage them in learning, and increase personalized learning, I will utilize it.
Ø  Do students feel free to use mobile devices to learn?
If the software or applications are not easy to navigate, students will spend too much time to figure out how to use them. It can be a distraction and the learning goals may not be met in the most effective way. I won’t apply it in my class.
Ø  Does mLearning empower teaching more effective?
Compared to teacher-centered classroom, mLearning meets the need of student-centered classroom. It provides new ideas, unexpected challenges, and constant opportunities for both students and teachers. Throughout it, teachers’ teaching strategies become more and more diverse. mLearning creates differentiated classroom.
Ø  Authentic
Mobile technology encourages students to develop, and create some meaningful outcomes. So we must ensure that mLearning offers students’ authentic experience. The prerequisite of integrating mobile tech into Chinese language class is that connect mobile learning with the real world. [5]
Ø  How to evaluate?
By collecting students’ feedback, teachers can modify the lesson for future lessons. After completing the activity, is there a way to receive student feedback outlined in the lesson plan?  Perhaps digital feedback is a kind of immediate-respond. [6]

As a 21st century teacher, I should be ready to require students use mobile devices to learn. The purposes of integrating mobile technology into Chinese language class are as below.
Ø  Make the learning more flexible. Flexibility in mLearning doesn’t only provide easy access, but also makes learning more convenient to students. They will not be restricted to school or a fixed computer. Instead of it, they can take advantage of mobile devices to focus on the subject they want to learn during weekends or their spare time. In short, students can learn anywhere, and anytime.
Ø  Facilitate motivations of students’ learning. In order to motivate students to learn Chinese language, we should allow them to learn whenever they want, and at their personal convenience, in other words, learner-driven learning in a suitable format can enhance learning engagement.
Ø  Enrich teachers’ teaching strategies. In order to break the traditional teacher-centered learning mode, mobile learning is utilized to enrich academic knowledge addressing ways. mLearning creates an interesting and interactive learning style.
Ø  Meet the need of development of personalized learning. Mobile learning can fit different learning styles; it involves learning using videos, podcasts, reading apps and other popular multimedia assets on mobile devices. [2]
Ø  Highlight collaborative Learning: mLearning allows students to get in touch with teachers, or classmates, to discuss or get ideas on the move. It maintains connectivity and supports knowledge sharing via SMS texting, Discussion forums etc. Social learning is a happening trend which creates a sense of competition and cooperation, which will lock the students’ attention towards the course. [3]
Ø  Encourage self-paced Learning. Each student has his or her own way of understanding the academic knowledge. With mobile learning, students are able to learn at their own pace. In a classroom scenario, occasionally, there will be a few learners who wouldn’t have understood the concepts clearly but hesitate to ask for a re-explanation. In mobile learning, nobody knows or cares how many times you revisit the course, which gives you the freedom to do it until you have understood it all. [4]

[1] Vangie Beal. “ mobile learning (m-learning)”. Retrieved from
[2] John Laskaris, (August 17, 2015), “7 Awesome Advantages Of Mobile Learning”. Retrieved from
[3] Sravanthi Reddy G, (September 16, 2013)“10 Benefits of Mobile Learning”. Retrieved from
[4] Amarnath Marpadga, (April 11, 2014), “Benefits and Limitations of Mobile Learning”. Retrived from
[5] Terry Heick, (2012), “12 Principles Of Mobile Learning.” Retrieved from
[6] Thomas Shepard, (March 25, 2015), “Making the Case for Mobile Learning & Guiding Principles for Implementation”. Retrieved from


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