
Showing posts from May, 2018
M9U1A2 Whole Language Learning Theory My Current Classroom Context I am currently teaching the Chinese language in an international school (QSI). My students with different readiness levels in the Chinese language are from k1- 12 grades. Importance of Whole Language Learning Theory Whole language learning is an approach to learning that sees language as a whole entity, and writing, speaking, reading, and listening should be integrated when learned. In whole language learning, learning is built upon the real experiences and background knowledge of the learner. Since whole language learning integrates literacy within all parts of the curriculum (including science, math and social studies), I will list the importance below. 1.       Whole language learning views language as a whole. Based on it, the target language should be taught as such. The benefits of it are learners can both appreciate and comprehend the target language fully. 2.       Whole language learning e

M9 U1 A3 - A Balanced Literacy Program, Strategic Instruction, and Best Practices

M9 U1 A3 - A Balanced Literacy Program, Strategic Instruction, and Best Practices Philosophy of Reading and Writing Instruction According to Dianne Nettles in Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today’s Classroom: The Whole, the Parts, and the Heart (Pearson, 2006), literacy instruction needs to include the “whole,” the “parts” and the “heart.” I will specify what I understand the quotation below. The whole “The whole” means   understanding reading and writing cannot be separated;   writing as a reciprocal process to reading. As a language teacher, we should allow students to read authentic texts for pleasure and often and to use such texts as touchstone texts for writing. “The whole” demonstrates that reading and writing are the whole as social activities. “The whole” also means “all content areas teachers are responsible for the State standards of their discipline, they share responsibility for discipline-specific literacy skills as well, and should be incorpora