
Showing posts from January, 2018

M6 U4 A3 - Teacher Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation #1: QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation System I teach in QSI, which applies an effective and systemic teacher evaluation system. I specific describe the system as below. 1. Purpose of QSI Teacher Performance Evaluation ➢  Improve the quality of instruction by ensuring accountability for classroom performance and teacher effectiveness. ➢  Optimize student learning and growth. ➢  Contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of each QSI School. ➢  Provide a basis for instructional improvement through productive teacher performance appraisal and professional growth. ➢  Implement a performance evaluation system that promotes collaboration between the teacher and supervisor and promotes self-growth, instructional effectiveness, and improvement of overall job performance.   2. The Performance Standards are Used in the Performance Evaluation System. There are five performance standards, wh