m5 u2 a2- Articulating Outcomes: Thinking Like an Assessor

m5 u2 a2- Articulating Outcomes: Thinking Like an Assessor
By Yanan Hu
Student Attainment of Objectives
Aligned Standard:
Ø  Educational standards provide clear and consistent expectations for student learning. The Standards for Foreign Language Learning (2006) describe what students should know and be able to do in a foreign language. Within each of these goal areas there are several content standards that describe specific knowledge and abilities that students should acquire. These content standards are considered best practices for foreign language education.
Ø  American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) – National Standards for Foreign Language Education:
Standard 4.2 - Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Ø  The Standards provide principles for foreign language instruction and assessment. Instruction and assessment then work together to ensure that student learning reflects the Standards.

Objectives of Food Unit
Watch a video, then identify and write down words or phrases which are related to foods in Chinese characters.
Use Chinese language expressions and idioms to describe Chinese foods and eating out, and be able to compare them to students’ own language expressions.
Discuss and analyze table manners and expressions during a Chinese meal; compare them to manners at students own country meal. In the end create a chart to analyze the differences and similarities.
Describe and explain a traditional food of students own countries. Post a recipe blog on Chinese class Moodle Page. In the end make a presentation in the class, and share the food with class peers.
By researching and interviewing other Chinese teachers online, students compare and contrast Chinese foods and their own countries foods. In the end summarize and prepare a presentation in Google slides. Comment on class peers’ presentations.

Formative Assessment
Why do I use formative assessments?
I cannot always include all my specific objectives for each goal area of the Standards in my summative assessment, but I can include formative assessment within the unit activities to help me evaluate how well the students are able to meet all objectives. Formative assessments are ongoing assessments that I use every day to check student progress and understanding.
The formative assessments of food unit
1. Meet with #1 objective
Ø  Quiz - Quizzes assess students for factual information, concepts and discrete skill.
·   Matching: Students need match the pictures with the Chinese characters before they start to watch the video.
·   Paper and pencil: After watching the video, students need write down the food name in Chinese characters.
Ø  Through quiz strategy, students are able to meet #1 objective of food unit.
2. Meet with #2 objective
Ø  3-2-1:
·   3 things you found out, differences of using language expressions and idioms to describe foods and eating out between Chinese and your own language.
·   2 interesting things
·   1 question you still have
Ø  Through 3-2-1 strategy, students will be able to meet #2 objective.
3. Meet with #3 objective
Ø  Journal Entry - Students record in a journal their understanding of the topic – table manners, and create the chart. I review the entry to see if the student has gained an understanding of the topic that was taught.
Ø  Through Journal Entry strategy, students will be able to meet #3 objective.
4. Meet with #4 objective
Ø  Observation – I will walk around the classroom and observe students as they share their recipes and dishes for learning topic.
Ø  Through observation strategy, students will be able to meet #4 objective.

Performance Based Assessment
Integrating Performance-based Assessment into Chinese Language Class
Ø  Definition of performance - based assessments
·   They require and expect students to use language in real-life situations.
·   They demand that students develop an understanding of what real-life situations are like in the language;
·   They are based on performance or the active construction of language rather than a demonstration of passive understanding only.
Ø  Purposes for performance – based assessments
·   Find out what students can do.
·   Align teachers’ expectations of what students can do with assessments.
·   Exert positive impact on learning.
·   Teach what gets tested.
Ø  Aligning performance - based assessments with learning
The big question: What do I want my students to know and be able to do?
Summative assessment
Ø  Definition of summative assessment.
·   Teachers give students an assessment at the end of each thematic unit that measures students’ progress on all the goal areas of the Standards and on the three modes of communication together.
Ø  The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
Ø  Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value. Examples of summative assessments include:
·   A midterm exam
·   A final project
Ø  Usually summative assessment is an integrated performance - based assessment where the students demonstrate how well they can do what they have learned to do during the unit. 
The summative assessment of food unit
My food unit Summative Assessment - Below is a summative, end of unit, performance-based assessment of general progress for beginner Chinese class studying a food unit.
Each student will prepare a presentation on the similarities and differences between traditional foods of their region and Chinese foods.
1. Each student will research the traditional foods of their own countries or regions. I will handout with a series of key questions in Chinese language will guide their research. Resources may include (all in Chinese language) menus, short descriptions of foods, videos, pictures, interviews, going to a Chinese restaurant that serves food from the region, or cooking some dishes. 
2. In Chinese language, students will prepare presentations and share their information for the class on the similarities and differences between traditional foods of their region and Chinese foods. I encourage the students to be creative in developing presentations that will be of interest to the class. These could include skits, PowerPoint, Google slides, videos, pictures, etc.
3. Students give a presentation in Chinese language. Each student need view the presentation of the others, take notes, and comment on their peers’ presentations.
All in all, the biggest objective of the food unit is Comparisons. In order to meet this objective, I designed the summative assessment.

1. ACTFL, ‘World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages’. Retrieved from
2. Eberly Center. 2015. “What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?” Retrieved from
3. Patricia Hilliard. 2015. "Performance-Based Assessment: Reviewing the Basics". Retrieved from
4. "M5U2A2 60 Formative Assessment Strategies.pdf". Retrieved from


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