
Showing posts from November, 2017

M5 U5 A2

Multicultural Content and Multiple Perspectives in Chinese Class Why should teachers include multicultural content and multiple perspectives in the curriculum? Ø   In order to engage all students in learning, and create differentiated classroom, teachers need to include multicultural content and multiple perspectives in the curriculum. Ø   A differentiated classroom is an inclusive classroom that welcomes students from various abilities and backgrounds. Inclusive classrooms recognize that all students are unique in their own way and that their differences could consist of their ability, cultural background, personalities, and religions. Ø   Good instruction as a basis for differentiated teaching plays a vital role in the differentiated classroom. To ensure effective teaching and learning, teachers need to link tightly the following three elements of curriculum. Content Content is what a student should come to know (facts), understand (concepts and principles), and be

m5 u3 a2

Differentiating for and Anticipating Student Needs Differentiated Instruction “The Biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching had been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same individual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways.” (Haward Gardner, 1994) As we all know that each student has an individual style of learning. Not all students in a classroom learn a subject in the same way or share the same level of ability, which means a “one –size – fits – all” instruction won’t extend the understanding of a student with great knowledge and skill in the same area.  . As a teacher, I need to unconditionally accept students as they are, and expect them to become all they are. So it is important to apply the differentiated instructions. Differentiated instruction is a method of designing and delivering instruction to best reach each student. One point need to be highlighted that there is no single strategy for crea

m5 u2 a2- Articulating Outcomes: Thinking Like an Assessor

m5 u2 a2- Articulating Outcomes: Thinking Like an Assessor By Yanan Hu Student Attainment of Objectives Aligned Standard: Ø   Educational standards provide clear and consistent expectations for student learning. The Standards for Foreign Language Learning (2006) describe what students should know and be able to do in a foreign language. Within each of these goal areas there are several content standards that describe specific knowledge and abilities that students should acquire. These content standards are considered best practices for foreign language education. Ø   American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) – National Standards for Foreign Language Education: Standard 4.2 - Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Ø   The Standards provide principles for foreign language instruction and assessment. Instruction and assessment then work togeth