
Showing posts from December, 2017

M6 U2 A3

M6 U2 A3 Pre-Assessment for Differentiation The Importance of Incorporating Pre-Assessments into Chinese class. Pre-assessment, sometimes referred to as diagnostic assessments, assesses a student’s strengths, weakness, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. It can be a great tool to help me identify the needs of my students. I list the importance of incorporating pre-assessment into Chinese class below. 1. Pre-assessments allow me to see if what is being covered in the lesson or unit is already mastered. If all of our students have a topic or skill mastered then I can skip that lesson. If only a couple of students have a problem, then I can individualize our instruction to bring them up to speed. If the majority of students are struggling with the information then I can continue with our lesson. 2. Pre-assessments give my students a preview of what will be expected of them. Setting clear expectations helps students begin to focus on the key topics that will be covere


High Stakes Assessments I work in an international school. After interviewing some teachers in my school, I find that AP is the only high stakes testing we have, other than SAT general aptitude tests. AP testing in May is a two week period where students write college board exams that give them college credit. 1. Analyze the implications of AP on teachers and students. The main implication is “raising the bar.” Students and teachers will need to spend more time preparing for these classes than the regular level class. ➢  For students, I believe AP testing is stressful because of the amount of work they have to complete every day. AP testing also means taking more responsibility for learning and the discipline of preparing for discussion and exams. It affects student sleep. If they have two or more AP classes, they are exhausted by December. ➢  For most teachers, it means preparing more in-depth material, challenging the students to use better vocabulary and to cultiv